Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technology

Department of Industrial Pharmacy

The Department of Industrial Pharmacy is already the third department of the National University of Technology and Design Kyiv to fully implicate humane practices. The driving force behind this positive change is Professor Tetyana Derkach, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technology, with whom we signed an agreement in 2022.

There were three courses at the Department of Industrial Pharmacy that used animals: In the course Fundamentals of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Physiology, 40 frogs were used per year, the course Environmental Protection Technologies used 24 frogs and 8 mice, and the course Analytical Foundations for a Healthy Lifestyle used 60 frogs. Classical physiological experiments such as nerve and muscle function were carried out on all three courses. These will be discontinued from 1 January 2024, meaning that 132 animals will no longer be killed each year.

On 18 October 2023, the Department received three refurbished laptops from DAAE, donated by the global network Labdoo. A new projector was donated by DAAE and numerous films and computer programmes on physiology and pharmacology were given by DAAE and InterNICHE.

Professor Vladislav Strashnyi, Head of Department, was delighted to be able to introduce humane teaching with our help. In view of the fact that animal-free test methods are increasingly being established in the European Union, particularly in the field of pharmacology, his department is committed to ensuring that animal-free methods are used not only in higher education but also in research.

To mark the signing of the agreement and handover of the hardware and software, the university organised a conference at which project manager Dimitrij Leporskij spoke about humane education.

 Animal-free studying in Ukraine
Project manager Dimitrij Leporskij (left) and Prof Vladislav Strashnyi, Head of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy. 

Animal-free studying in Ukraine
Professor Strashnyi and his postgraduate students are delighted about Labdoo laptops. 

Animal-free studying in Ukraine
Project manager Dmitrij Leporskij talks about humane teaching methods.